Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. produced six videos with biographical narratives and one research document.
Stefanie von der Recke - Commemoration of the Second World War in Dresden

"Lieber Gott verschone uns"
Susan Freund (1936)
She was a child when the war begun. On the day of the Dresden bombing, the 13th of February 1945, she woke up to the neighbouring house having been bombed and to nests of fire everywhere. Her narration focuces on a passionate remembering of said night.
"Schwester Erika" (Part I)
"Schwester Erika" (Part II)
'Schwester Erika' (1921)
Her first encounter with fascism was in 1934, when the young-ladies’ group she belonged to was forced to shut down and she was explicitly told not to present herself as one of them, for fear of her safety. Because of her dream to travel she became a nurse with the Red Cross. She experienced bombings and air-raids first-hand, as well as the cruelties and solidarities that take place when one’s side loses. Indeed, she made a conscious effort to report the solidarity she noticed,both amongst enemies and friends.
"Kurt Mersiowsky in Lappland"
Kurt Mersiowski (1920)
The interviewee was born into a traditional German family in a small village called Lauba in Saxony. The story of Mr Mersiowski follows his experiences as an infantry trooper in The War, in the fronts of Prussia and Finland.
"Johannes Eissmann auf hoher See"
Johannes Eissmann (1924)
Johannes Eissmann studied Mechanical Engineering when he entered military service; he had volunteered to go to the Navy. His story includes recollections of the horrors of fighting in a ship as well as his later service as a prisoner-of-war.
"Leipzig Dresden Halle dann ist der krieg alle"
Ingeborg Günther (1934)
Mrs Günther was born in Halle and her family owned a factory. During WWII, a lot of prisoners-of-war were sent to her family’s factory to labour. Her story focuses on her experiences during and after The War, together with all the trials that came with the dividing of Germany into two parts.