Gminny Osrodek Kultury Oleśnica
In the 2 year project Bridging Generations Gminny Osrodek Kultury Oleśnica made a research about Memory and the involvement and commemoration of World War II in Poland as well as produced four videos.
Piotr Michalowski - Commemoration of the Second World War in Poland

Piotr Michalowski - Involvement in Second World War in Poland

Ewa Staron & Piotr Michalowski - Description Performance "MOMENTS"

"Green Flour Bread"
Józefa Biegańska (1930) & Bolesława Kozioł (1932)
Bolesława Kozioł and Józefa Biegańska are two friends who were born in the small village of Siemianówka near Lviv. They were good friends from early childhood. They speak of the terrors they experienced and of their common flight from their original lands to Lower Silesia.
"New Name - New Language - New Life"
Rainhold Fryczkowski (1939)
Rainhold Fryczkowski’s family, originally the Fritz family, was born in Brzezinka near Oleśnica. They decided to stay despite the forceful transfer of peoples between Germany and Poland after WWII. They changed their surname, learnt a new language and started a new life in the same house This is their story.
"Sparrows in Cream"
Janina Bodo (1929)
Janina Bodo was born in 1929, in a small village near Brest on the Eastern Borderlands. During World War II, her family shared a house with soldiers from the German army. According to her story, her family survived thanks to the goodness of the hearts of these soldiers who shared their meals with her family.
"Working Together"
Stanisława Wójcik (1935) & Antoni Wócik (1935)
Mrs Stanisława Wójcik and Mr Antoni Wójcik came to Boguszyce from Rzeszow and settled in a house abandoned by Germans. They were one of the first families in Boguszyce.